Saturday, April 25, 2009

Lost at Cannes!

I was waiting for the Cannes film fest selection to be announced eagerly. I was expecting at least one feature length film or a short film to feature in this year's edition. But, Alas! Out of over 1600 films considered by the selection committee of the film fest, not a single Indian film found a place! What a pity!

According to the Censor Board of Film Certification in India, in the year 2008 almost over 1100 films were censored and given the certificate. And, we could not find a single place in the Cannes selection in the last few years! We need to seriously think, why? We need to introspect! Is there something wrong with our way of film-making. Is it something inappropriate about the way we approach film-making? 

I will come back with my observations soon!

Until then, goodbye!

Sunil Doshi